Faith Trail Ministry is a way to equip families with resources for sharing their faith stories.
Faith Trail markers are celebrated with an event for children and parents to attend together and are recognised in worship through prayer, blessing and gifting.
Each Faith Trail marker resource is based around the following outline:
- Naming and Marking the spiritual markers in the lives of children in your congregation helps to create rituals and traditions that shape them and give them a sense of belonging to the family of God.
- Equipping provides an opportunity for learning related to the trail marker, builds community, invites conversation and brings generations together. It equips families with take-home resources to use in their everyday lives.
- Blessing the child and marking the occasion in worship communicates that faith and life are woven together. God is present in all of daily life, making the ordinary sacred and the sacred ordinary.
- Gifting is a tangible way of providing a symbol and a reminder of the occasion being marked. Gifting serves as a resource for the ongoing nurture of faith in daily life.