Celebrating Pentecost
Sunday 28 May we celebrate Pentecost!
Pentecost Sunday closes the season of Easter. It is the celebration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the colour RED symbolises the fire associated with the coming of the Holy Spirit.
We’ve put together some simple ideas to help your family celebrate. You could also do these things during worship service.
Invite everyone to wear red on Pentecost Sunday.
Balloons – Hang red, yellow and orange balloons from the ceiling.
Visual celebration – Decorate with the symbols of Pentecost: tongues of fire or doves.
Caring Conversations – Read the reading from Acts 2:1-21. Invite family members (prepared beforehand) to share about the gifts God has given them and how they use them for ministry and spreading God’s word.
Provide a special “birthday party” morning tea:
- Birthday cake! You could use candles that never blow out-talk about how the church will also never be extinguished!
- Sing Happy Birthday to the church.
- Other party food could include red, yellow and orange fruit platters.
- Red jelly cakes.
Here are some other great ideas from GIFT Pentecost for you to download:
- Celebrating Pentecost in Worship
- Pentecost Pinwheel Craft
- Holy Spirit Dove
- Pentecost Activities for all ages
- Pentecost Bookmark
If you enjoy these FREE downloads you could consider purchasing GIFT Pentecost. It’s full of further ideas, activities and inspiration to celebrate Pentecost.
Pentecost is an exciting time of the church year when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Here is an opportunity to have a party to celebrate the birthday of the church and offers activities based on how the Holy Spirit lives in us and guides our lives.