Care in the ordinary moments
One of the most intentional ways to allow faith to grow is in the ways we care for each other. As parents we often have a never-ending list of things scrolling through our minds. It takes a lot of mental space to hold all of the things we need to know about each member of the family, and this is often squeezed in and around busy work and school schedules.
But taking the time to intentionally care for another can actually be done in the ordinary, everyday moments. The smile at school pick up which lingers to say ‘I love you.’ The intentional look in your teenager’s eye that says ‘I know you.’ The gentle rub on a shoulder which says ‘I care.’ The decision to pause instead of rushing on. The choice to use words that encourage, rather than deflate. The many moments of forgiveness we seek when these things don’t happen.
Often our days are so full that the only short time we have together is just before bed. Can we encourage you in that moment – probably when you are so tired and eager to switch off yourself – to be present with your children?
Here are a few ideas to help you create some space, develop some gentle rhythms and have conversations that connect deep with the heart of your child.
- Reading together.
- Spending time reflecting on the day.
- Sharing highs and lows.
Maybe this is something new for you. These may spark your own moments of care. May you know these seeds planted to care for another will produce fruit in God’s time.
This article is featured in the 2021 Term 1 edition of Grow Together, our quarterly family newsletter.
It is our hope that the information in these newsletters will speak into the ways parents nurture faith - in your homes and within your families, as parents, partners, grandparents, teachers and leaders. Grow Together shares practical ideas and focuses on how you can shape intentional ways for faith to grow through care, reading, praying and sharing.